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We work for art: The Masó Printing Company (1889-1992)

The Masó family printer’s returns to the ground floor of Casa Masó, where it operated for over one hundred years

Àmbits:Arts visuals / Lectura, ciència i humanitats / Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (26/01/19 - 29/09/19)
Location:Casa Masó

This exhibition is an anthology of a century of the visual, literary and journalistic culture of the city of Girona. The Masó Printer’s produced the “Diario de Gerona de avisos y noticias” daily newspaper (later the “Diari de Girona”), as well as the magnificent programme of activities that were performed in the Athenea Hall between 1914 and 1917; along with wonderful editions of books by Joaquim Torres Garcia, Josep Tharrats, Miquel de Palol and Narcís Masó, among others. All this amid countless brochures, programmes, magazines and all kinds of printed works.

Curated by Santi Barjau.