Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Today the Catalan Government listed Casa Masó as a Cultural Heritage of National Interest in the category of Historical Monument
The Government has assessed that in the different interior spaces and in the furniture of Casa Masó, Rafael Masó reflected the aesthetic ideals of Noucentisme and also his interest in assimilating and putting into practice different trends of the European architecture of his time, based "in the formal simplicity and rationality of the spaces, in addition to comfort, serenity, domesticity and interior intimacy".
Rafael Masó remodeled the family house on Ballesteries St. between 1910 and 1920. Since 2007 it has been the headquarters of the Rafael Masó Foundation, and it has been open as a house museum since 2012.
In the image, the lobby of the noble floor of Casa Masó, photograph by Jordi Puig.