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The House I Live inAn Educational Visit of Casa Masó

Primary Education:

The focus of this educational activity is the analysis of an early 20th century house, looking in hindsight at this space where people lived and coexisted, on human relationships, and how basic needs were met. The children will have the opportunity to gain insight on the way these domestic spaces were used, comparing them with their own homes. Thus, the experience becomes more personal, relating it to everyday life.

The visit is complemented by an outdoor tour of some of the other nearby houses found in the heart of Girona which were also designed by Rafael Masó, with the whole tour following the educational material prepared for this purpose.

Casa Masó’s characteristics, particularly its small size, make it necessary for the visits to be organised into small groups of a few students. This encourages a sense of proximity with the students and ensures that the explanations are heard perfectly by everyone. Because of this, more educational professionals are required to accompany the group and avoid a significant increase in the price of the visit, the teachers are often asked to actively participate in one part of the visit. This collaboration, which involves a tour of other houses near Casa Masó designed by Rafael Masó, with the educational material prepared by our Educational Service, is beneficial in helping the students to complete some work before or after the tour in the classroom, thus gaining a more complete knowledge of the architect’s work.


  • To present Rafael Masó to the students as a person and as a professional.
  • To stress the relationship he had with his family, observing their everyday lives and discovering the house that he constructed and where he lived.
  • To make known the architect’s various facets: interior design, his design of furniture, windows and his relationship with the craftsmen with whom he worked.

Practical Information

  • Duration: One hour and 30 minutes per session (tour of the house and Girona’s Old Quarter as well as the workshop).
  • Price of the tour of the house + the Masó Route: groups of up to 30 students, €120; groups of between 30 and 60 students, €240.
  • This activity can be supported by an Indika grant, depending on the availability of funding. For more information, check the theme with the educational service.


For more information or to confirm your booking, please email us at

  • Foto d'una escola visitant la Casa Masó.
Indika, Programes Pedagògics i Divulgatius de la Diputació de Girona