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Josep M. Pericas i Morros. 1881-1966. Architect

Companion of Masó, Pericas was also one of the most outstanding architects of Noucentisme.

Àmbits:Lectura, ciència i humanitats / Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (19/10/19 - 16/05/20)
Location:Casa Masó

Josep M. Pericas (Vic, 1881 – Barcelona, 1966) belongs to the first generation of Noucentista architects, and together with his colleague Rafael Masó, they point to the clearest and most evolutionary expression of Noucentisme. Nevertheless, the architect is still widely unknown today despite having designed works of great interest in Vic, Torelló and Barcelona. As well as photographs of the main buildings he designed, the exhibition includes Pericas’ original plans and objects so as to offer an overview of his architecture and design as well as letters from Masó to Pericas which have not been published until now.

Curators: Aleix Catasús Oliart and Josep M. Claparols Pericas. Exhibition organised by the Rafael Masó Foundation and the Girona Branch of the Architects’ Association of Catalonia