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Image & Poetry. The poetics of modernity

Exhibition showing the symbiosis between poetry and plastic arts, with works by Rusiñol, Nonell, Miró, Dalí and García Lorca, among others.

Àmbits:Lectura, ciència i humanitats / Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (21/10/22 - 10/03/23)
Location:Casa Masó

"Image & Poetry. The poetics of modernity" explores the dialogue and symbiosis between plastic arts and poetry in the context of the evolution of modern Catalan poetry from the nineties of the 19th century, with the irruption of the symbolist revolution, until the end of the Civil War. The exhibition is an anthological tour in which 125 books of poetry and poems published in magazines are placed in relation to 42 works of art from all disciplines (drawing, painting, collage, engraving, sculpture and poster design). This is the most complete review ever made of the relationship between poetry and Catalan art of this period. The exhibition is a co-production of the Biblioteca de Catalunya and the Rafael Masó Foundation, and after Girona it will be presented at the Biblioteca de Catalunya in autumn 2023.

Among the poets are the most prominent names in modern literature in Catalan, such as Verdaguer, Maragall, Carner, Miquel de Palol, Guerau de Liost, Josep M. López Picó, Sagarra, Maria Antònia Salvà, Marià Manent, Carles Riba, Joan Salvat-Papasseit, Tomàs Garcés, J. V. Foix, Clementina Arderiu, and Pere Quart, among others. In addition to the books of poems by these authors, the exhibition includes magazines that published poetry, with copies of Joventut, Pel & Ploma, Troços, Revista Nova, La Revista, Un enemic del Poble, Arc-Voltaic, La Columna de Foc , Proa and Hèlix, among others.

The exhibition is a co-production of the Library of Catalonia and the Rafael Masó Foundation, curated by Margarida Casacuberta and Aitor Quiney. After Girona, it will be presented at the Biblioteca de Catalunya in the Fall of 2023.