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The Masó Family: Artists and Collectors

Selection of works from the art collections created by Rafael Masó and his ancestors

Àmbit:Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (16/06/17 - 25/11/17)
Location:Casa Masó

Rafael Masó inherited his passion for collecting both old and modern art from his father and his grandfather; thanks to them, today Casa Masó is a small museum of Catalan art. For the first time the Foundation presents a selection of works that the Masó family gradually acquired between the late 19th century and the early 20th century, demonstrating the extent to which art was an essential part of their lives and how they wanted to bequeath this value to future generations.

This project has made possible to study the relevance and significance of the Masó family’s paintings, drawings and ornaments in detail, and to explain what the collection represented in the cultural and social context in Girona during that period. The exhibition is also the first study of the paintings of Gaudenci Masó (Santiago de Cuba, 1830–Girona, 1893) and those of Rafael Masó Pagès (Barcelona, 1851–Girona, 1915), the architect’s grandfather and father, respectively. Thus, over 150 paintings and sculptures by artists such as Eugenio Lucas, Vicente López, Modest Urgell, Laureà Barrau, Joan Brull, Celso Lagar, Mela Muter, Xavier Montsalvatge, Enric Casanovas, Feliu Elias and Martí Gimeno can be seen, accompanied by an interesting display of drawings by Spanish and Italian artists from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, as well as some ornaments.

Exhibition curated by Ignasi Domènech i Vives. Produced by the Rafael Masó Foundation.