The furniture of the first-floor bedroom was designed by Rafael Masó in 1924, for his brother Joan’s wedding. The geometrical shapes of the bed’s headboard, the dresser and the wardrobe show Masó’s predilection for austere refinement and craftsmanship. Also noteworthy in this room are the windows with a stained glass rose pattern, another work attributed to Masó, the crucifix by Adolf Fargnoli and Jaume Busquets, and the Mother Mary and Jesus by Josep Llimona. The staircase, with its pronounced verticality and geometry, is an example of how Masó adapted the English Arts & Crafts interior designs to his work. The glazed ceramic tiles and skylight, also designed by Masó, are essential elements for the role the architect wanted to give to natural light that shone down through the inner courtyard from the balconies on the fifth floor.